Services & How We Help


We’re on a mission to help people feel better at work. When people feel they belong, they’re more likely to thrive in the work they do. We work with you to find out what matters most to colleagues and how best to engage them.

We offer a range of internal communications, employee experience and coaching services to help you cultivate inclusive cultures in your organisation. We can be an extension of your team – and help free you up – or we can work in a consultancy capacity with you. Get in touch to find out how we can work together.

Consultancy Support

We are here to work with you every step of the way, regardless of the challenge you might be facing! We don’t just drop a load of recommendations and disappear.

We’re highly experienced internal communication and employee experience professionals. We provide a bespoke service to support you through large-scale digital transformations to embedding inclusive employer brand and employee value proposition practices in your organisation (and everything in-between). If you’re not sure if we can help, get in touch! If we can’t, we will know someone who can!


Do you need a credible communications and inclusion speaker?

Advita is an experienced internal communications and inclusion strategist. She is the author of an award-winning book and an international speaker. Advita has spoken at over 100 events and appeared on over 50 podcasts where she expertly speaks about internal communications, change management, inclusion, and confidence.

Unleash Your P.O.W.E.R

Do you want to build unshakeable confidence? Do you want to know how you can manage your self-esteem and self-worth? Do you need support to help you achieve you goals, objectives and dreams?

Our affordable, accessible confidence coaching programme will steer you towards unshakeable confidence in just 66 days.


We offer a range of bespoke workshops that cover key areas such as trust, confidence, inclusive language, communication styles and much more.

We can help you make a difference in work and with the people you work with, support and serve.

Confidence Coaching

Are you struggling with your confidence and need practical advice to help you thrive further in your role? Do you want to learn how you can have more impact and influence as a leader?

Our bespoke coaching packages will give you the boost you need and achieve your goals and objectives.

How we help


Review your channels

We’ll audit your internal comms channels to see how effective they are and help you gather the right data to get leadership buy-in.


Build team confidence

Through confidence coaching and mentoring, we can help your team focus around a common purpose or goal and unlock their potential.


Support on diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI)

We work with you to provide practical strategic internal comms advice on how to address DEI concerns or even where to start.


Gauge how employees are feeling

Through focus groups and workshops, we can help you measure how people are feeling and understand DEI sentiment across your firm.


Help people thrive at work

We work with you to address the gaps in employee engagement by creating robust creative action plans that can help create a culture of belonging where all colleagues feel they belong and can thrive in their work.


Upskill your team

We deliver effective and practical training for teams and individuals to be able to confidently measure internal communications

Contact us

Do you want to explore how we could work together and help you unleash your inner rebel? Book your free 15-minute consultation to share your comms and culture challenges.

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