Tips on managing overwhelm

#CuriousMoments with Advita Trudy Lewis, Jenni Field, and I hosted a session for the Inspiring Workplaces summer series about managing overwhelm. We shared various tips and advice, but to summarise, here are our essential tips: 1) You have to know your values to understand what should be in your circle of concern. A lot of information surrounds us, […]

Top Internal Communications Voice

#CuriousMoments with Advita It was lovely to see the Top Internal Communications Voice badge appear on my profile. I love contributing my thoughts about how Internal Comms can support organisations to cultivate inclusive cultures through revolutionary communications. The other day, someone called me a “Comms Influencer.” sometimes, I think I’m more of a “Comms Antagonist”, […]

Turn I’m sorry into thank you

#CuriousMoments with Advita As a recovering people pleaser, sorry was my default every time I felt I was being an inconvenience to someone. “I’m sorry to disturb you.” “I’m sorry I’m late.” “I’m sorry, I’ve been so busy.” “I’m sorry for taking up your time.” “I’m sorry to bother you.” “I’m sorry for missing that […]

Boost your confidence in just 30 days

#CuriousMoments with Advita What if I told you that I could help you boost your confidence in just 30 days? I decided to specialise as a confidence and influence coach after experiencing several confidence crashes in my career. I never did anything without waiting for validation or permission. I didn’t believe I was good at […]

How to create impact and influence

#CuriousMoments with Advita  Do you walk into an event or a room wishing you could influence better? Or had the confidence to say what you want? We’ve all been there. In one of my roles, I attended the monthly Senior Leadership Team Meeting. I had to give an update on comms and share what we […]

Fear public speaking? How I learnt to love the experience

#CuriousMoments with Advita Before 2018 I’d never spoken on a public stage. The thought made me queasy, and whenever I was approached, I recommended someone else. But I’ve now spoken at over 100 events, from small groups to a 1000-plus audience. I’ve presented to leaders based in Australia to comms professionals in the USA. It’s […]

Rethink failure

#CuriousMoments with Advita Nelson Mandela once said, “I never lose. I either win, or I learn.” I have this quote in my motivation folder on my phone to remind me that failing at something isn’t something to fear. It’s a growth opportunity. Since reframing how I look at failing, my life has transformed. It’s hard […]

Kindness over achievements

#CuriousMoments with Advita I’d rather be known for my kindness than my achievements. As much as I’m fiercely proud of my achievements, it’s important to me that people always feel uplifted and energised after they’ve spent some time with me, even when I have to have an uncomfortable or difficult conversation. As a confidence and […]

Turn adversity into power

#CuriousMoments with Advita As it’s South Asian Heritage Month and this year’s theme is stories to tell, I thought I’d share mine in the hope it inspires someone. Over the years, I’ve been relatively open about my experience as a South Asian woman growing up in the UK and working in an industry that’s unconventional […]

Sam McAlister: Why being yourself reaps the best rewards

Former interviews producers on BBC’s Newsnight, journalist and author of Scoops, Sam McAlister, gave an enthralling keynote at #InnerRebel2023. Sam shared her story about that Prince Andrew interview…and how to master the art of negotiation. It was fantastic and Inner Rebel guests were truly captivated. We managed to steal Sam to share some of her wisdom […]

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